Create Item/Product and Product master in Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Create Item/Product and Product master in Dynamics AX 2012 R2

In This Article we are going to discuss how to create a product and Product master (Items).
In 2012 R2, ‘Item’ is replaced with ‘Product’. Item master was in Inventory Management Module, now there is a separate module for item/product creation ‘Product Information Management’.
There are two types of Products in 2012 they are:
1. Product
2. Product Master
1. Product:
Clearly identifiable products that do not have variations associated with them. You can think of them as standard or base products. Use the Products list page in the Product information management module to view and manage products.
Manage Product:
2. Product Master:
These serve as templates or models for variants. The variants of a product master can be either predefined or created in sales scenarios by using a product configuration. A product master is associated with one or more product dimensions, or for some configurations, product attributes. Use the Product master’s list page in the Product information management module to view and manage product masters
To access Product and Product Masters go to Product Information Management -> Common -> Populate charge amount -> Products /Products Masters.
Variants: You can define a product as a product master. After you define a product master, you can use dimensions, such as size, color, and style, to define product variants. For example, a particular shirt might have variants that are combinations of size, color, and style steps and screen shot will be shown during creation of the product.
Note: To create a product variant, you must define at least one product dimension for a product master. You can also rename dimensions.
To create product variants, you must complete the following tasks:
  1. Set up dimensions, such as size, color, and style.
  2. Set up variant groups.
  3. Assign variant groups to a retail hierarchy.
  4. Create a product master and variants.
Product dimensions: Product dimensions are characteristics that serve to identify a product variant. You can use combinations of product dimensions to define product variants. You must define at least one product dimension for a product master in order to create a product variant.
Product dimensions are created and maintained in the Product dimensions form, which can be accessed from the following locations:
  • Click Product information management > Common > Products > Product masters. On the Action Pane, in the Product master group, click Product dimensions.
  • Click Product information management > Common > Products > All products and product masters. Select a product master. On the Action Pane, in the Product master group, click Product dimensions.
  • Click Product information management > Common > Released products. Select a product master. On the Action Pane, in the Product master group, click Product dimensions.
The number of variants that you can create for an item is limited by the number of possible product dimension combinations.
Crete Product :
  • To create product go to Product Information Management -> Common -> Forms -> Products -> Products.
  • Click on New Button, a new product form will open. In that form select the product type as Item/Service.
    • Item- A Tangible item which has inventory transactions and On-hand inventory.
    • Service- an Intangible item which has no On-hand inventory.
    • Now select Product sub-type, (note- if you open new product form from ‘all products and product master’ then you will be displayed with two option product/product masters in this drop down menu)
    • Enter Product Number.
    • Press "ok"  the current form will closed and a new line is created in the products list page.
Product/Product Master Creation Process:
  • To create product go to Product Information Management ->Common ->Forms -> Products -> Products.
  • Click on New Button, a new product form is opened. In that form select the product type as Item/Service.
    • Item- A Tangible item which has inventory transactions and On-hand inventory.
    • Service- an Intangible item which has no On-hand inventory.
    • Now select Product sub-type, (note- if you open new product form from all products and product master  then you will be displayed with two option product/product masters in this drop down menu)
    • Enter Product Number and all the related fields.
    • In the product variants section, select product dimensions group and configuration technology.
    • Press "ok" and the current form closes and a new line is created in the products list page.
Assigning Dimensions Groups to a Product Master:
  • In the product list page, double click on the product.
  • In the product details form opened, on the top of the form you will find Dimension Group Button.
  • Click on Dimensions group Button will open a drop down menu.
  • In the drop down menu you find three fields
    • Product Dimension group
    • Storage Dimension group
    • Tracking Dimension group
Select the appropriate groups from these menus From Following Screen:
Please don’t get confused between a ‘Product’ and ‘Product Master’; they are two different product types in AX 2012.
We can assign Product ‘Dimension Group’ to ‘Product Master’ but we can’t assign ‘Dimension Group’ to ‘Product’. ‘Product’ is a unique item which doesn’t have any variants.
Product dimension combinations (Product Variants):
  • Once you create all the dimensions for a product, in ax 2009 we need to create item combinations.
  • Similarly in ax2012 we use Product Variants.
  • You can find product variants button in the product master section of the product master details form.
  • Please refer to the below screenshot
  • In the product variants form, you can create product dimension combinations using two methods,
    • By directly clicking on new button and selecting appropriate configurations. (OR)
    • By clicking on ‘Variant Suggestions’ will open a new form displaying all the possible combinations. Just check the select checkbox on the combinations you want and press OK.
Release product to legal entities:
  • Once you have created the product you need to release that product for use by your companies.
  • To release a product, go to that product in the product master form and on the top of the form in Product Authorization section press on ‘Release Product for Legal Entities’ button.
  • Release Products form is opened. Please see the screenshot for your reference.
  • In the left hand side of the form, press ‘select products’. In the right hand side, all the products will be displayed. Further right to that, you will find all the product variants.
  • Select the required products or product variants.
  • Now Press ‘Select Companies’ from left hand side pane.  All the companies in the ax will be displayed.
  • Now select the companies in which you want to use this product and after finishing press OK.
  • Now you have released your Product for further use.
Assigning Item Model Group & Item Groups to a Product Master:
  • In the Released products form (go to product information management module à common forms à Released Products) select your product and click on ‘Edit’ button on top left.

    • In the Released product details form, in the General Fast Tab , you will find ‘Item Model Group’ Field
    • From the drop down menu, select an item model group.
    • In the same form , in ‘Manage costs’ tab posting, field you will find ‘Item Groups’ Field.
    • From the drop down menu select an Item Group.
    • Now the item or Product or Product master is ready for further transactions.


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