How to create security role from scratch in dynamics 365?

When you understand the security architecture of Finance and Operations, you can more easily customize security to fit the requirements of your business.

for more details, you can check this link 

I talked about this topic before in this post, from visual studio view

today, we can do this task, but from the user interface in Dynamics 365

1-create security role 

Security roles are a collection of Security duties and privileges 

 we can create new Test role like "CreateCustomer"

go to system administration / security/security configuration 

and click create a new role as "CreateCustomer"

go to unpublished objects tab and click publish all or select your role and click publish selection

note // you can not assign this role for the user until publish 

3- create privilege 

Security privilege is a collection of entry points for menu items like output menu item, action

item, service operations,...etc 

go to system administration/security/security configuration 

click on privilege tab and click create new 
assign a name like CreateCustomerpriv

as you see, you can add references like 

action menu items for classes
display menu item for forms
output menu items for reports 
service operations for services ....etc

Note // you can use the Recording task (very nice and easy tool ) to detect your menu items (link)

do not forget to publish again 

4- add privilege reference to the role

add this privilege as a reference to the CreateCustomer role

do not forget to publish again 

5- Create duty if you need 

Security duty is a collection of Security privileges

you can create duty like CreateCustomerDuty if you need (not mandatory step)

click add reference to select multiple privileges 

you can add duty as refernce for security role 

do not forget to publish again  6- import user Test 

go to system administration/users/users

and click import user 

click edit to assigns CreateCustomer role security to user Test

click add roles and select CreateCustomer and click ok, then save 

7- log in with user Test 

log in with this user "Test" and check the assigned roles sufficient or not.

you can check this link to check the number of security objects in Dynamics 365.


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