D365: How to create product attributes and assign to the product


D365: How to create product attributes and assign to the product

In order to specify the characteristics of a product (raw material or finished good) you have a configurable way to add as many additional informational to the product as desired. It can be done thought Attributes. For example, for the laptop product, attributes might be: memory size, screen resolution, color, etc.

Before adding an attribute, you must configure attribute type. Attributes must be linked to an Attribute Type. The attribute type identifies the type of data that can be entered for a specific attribute. The attribute type also defines a list or range of valid values that can be used for the attribute.

Attribute Groups are optional allowing the user to group related Attributes together to ease Attribute administration and better organizing Attribute information. In the example above, attribute types are: memory size, screen resolution, color; attribute values are: what color is laptop, what memory size is in laptop.

And then finally, the values for each Attribute need to be populated per record (what color is this laptop, what memory size is in this laptop, etc.).

Define attribute types

Follow the steps below to create an attribute types

  1. Click Product information management > Setup > Categories and attributes > Attribute types.
  2. In the Attribute types form, click New to add a new attribute type.
  3. On the General FastTab, enter a name for the attribute type. Then, in the Type field, select the type of data that can be entered for attributes that are assigned to this data type. The following values are available:
  • Currency
  • DateTime
  • Decimal
  • Integer
  • Text
  • Boolean

Select “Fixed list” check box to define a list of values for Text attribute types. You can select one of the values to display as the default value for attributes

Select “Value range” check box to set a range of values for CurrencyDateTimeDecimal, and Integer attribute types. The range that you define is used when you enter a default value for attributes

Select a unit of measure for Decimal or Integer attribute types in the “Unit of measure” field.

Enter the starting value for the range in the “From” field.

Enter the ending value for the range in the “To” field.

Note: Attribute types – is a classification that is used to identify the type of data that you enter for the attribute. For example, an attribute of Size can be associated with an attribute type of Clothing or an attribute type of Window. If the attribute type is Clothing, the values for that attribute may include text data types, such as S, M, or L. If the attribute type is Window, the values entered for that attribute may include string data types, such as 12×24 or 10×10.

Attribute types

Define attributes

Follow the steps below to create an attribute

  1. Click Product information management > Setup > Categories and attributes > Attribute.
  2. In the Attributes form, click New to add a new attribute.
  3. Enter the name, friendly name, description, and any help text that you want to display to the user for the attribute.
  4. In the Attribute type field, select the attribute type to assign to the attribute.

In the “Default value” field enter a value or range of values that is displayed by default when this attribute is associated with a product or a category. Depending on the type of attribute, additional field values, such as unit of measure or currency code, may also be required for the default value.


Define attribute groups

Using attribute groups, you can group multiple attributes together.  Having just created two attributes that are specific to laptops, let’s create a new attribute group called Laptop, and add the two attributes just created.

  1. Click Product information management > Setup > Categories and attributes > Attribute groups.
  2. In the Attribute groups form, click New to add a new attribute group
  3. Enter the name, friendly name, description and help text
  4. On the “Attributes” tab, click “Add” button

Attribute groups

Add to the “Selected” list, attributes two attributes just created

Attribute group attributes

Click OK

Attribute groups with attributes

Assign Product Attributes to a Procurement category

  1. Click Procurement and sourcing > Consignment > Procurement categories
  2. Expand the needed node
  3. Click Add button in the Product attributes tab
  4. Select the appropriate attributes
  5. Click OK

Procurement category

Assign Product attributes to a Product through assigning Procurement category to a Product

  1. Click Product information management > Common > Products > All products and product masters.
  2. Select the desired product from the list to add product categories to, and then click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action Pane.
  3. Click Product categories in the Setup group of the Action Pane, and the Product categories form will open.

All products and product masters

Click New to create a new product category.

Select the Procurement Category hierarchy.

Select the Category.

Product Procurement categoryClose the Product categories form.

Click Product attributes on the Action Pane.

Product attributes menu

The Attributes list will be displayed

product attributes

Assign Product Attribute Groups to a Retail category

  1. Click Retail and commerce > Product and categories > Product categories
  2. Expand the needed node
  3. Click Add button in the Product attribute groups tab
  4. Select the appropriate attribute groups
  5. Click OK

Retail product hierarchy

Assign Product attributes to a Product through assigning Retail category to a Product

  1. Click Product information management > Common > Products > All products and product masters.
  2. Select the desired product from the list to add product categories to, and then click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action Pane.
  3. Click Product categories in the Setup group of the Action Pane, and the Product categories form will open.

product categories menu

Click New to create a new product category.

Select the Retail Category hierarchy.

Select the Category.

Product Retail category

Close the Product categories form.

Click Product attributes on the Action Pane.

Product attributes menu2

The Attributes list will be displayed

product attributes2


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