Cycle counting using warehouse management in Dynamics 365, Enterprise

Cycle counting using warehouse management in Dynamics 365, Enterprise

Hello consultants! Today, I’ll be blogging about cycle counting process in dynamics 365 or say D365. Cycle counting is a warehouse process, in which warehouse worker do counting of items irrespective of perishable/non-perishable items on basis of location or items.
Let’s take a scenario, warehouse planner to have a cycle count for a location say A1R1S01B01 and if there is any discrepancies, system should automatically adjust difference in quantities and post a inventory adjustment journal. Warehouse planner creates manual cycle count work. The warehouse supervisor/worker login using app and select cycle count guided operation and complete cycle count work.
The following pre-requisites required for creating and completing cycle counting work:
  • Cycle count thresholds
    • Cycle count work in D365 created based on the threshold parameters. Cycle count work can be created manually or automatically (using batch process)
  • Mobile device
    • Cycle count – System directed
    • Let’s configure cycle counting based on location in D365;
      • Click on new
      • Enter name and description
      • Select threshold type as percentage and enter percentage as 10%
      • Select work pool id – cycle count
    • Step I: Go to warehouse management – Setup – Cycle counting – Cycle counting threshold
  • Click on “select locations” button. Query form will be displayed, select warehouse and location
  • Click ok. Click on save and close the form
Step II: Go to warehouse management – Setup – Cycle counting – Cycle counting plan
  • Click on new
  • Enter cycle counting plan id, description and, maximum number of cycle counts (say 1)
  • Click on “select locations” button. Query form will be displayed, select warehouse and location
  • Click ok and save
  • Click on process cycle counting plan. A form will be displayed and click ok
  • An information message will be displayed as shown below in screen;

Step III: Go to warehouse management – Setup – mobile device – mobile device menu item
  • Click on new
  • Enter menu item name and title
  • Select mode – Work
  • Select YES to use existing work
  • Select directed by – system directed

Mapped Business Scenario;
As per the scenario, warehouse planner creates cycle count work manually for a location and inform the cycle count supervisor to count items for a location. As per step II, created cycle count work;
Go to warehouse management – common – cycle counting – open cycle counting work
  • Warehouse supervisor login via native app

  • Warehouse supervisor click on inventory
  • Warehouse supervisor click on cycle count guided

  • After clicking cycle count guided. The screen will display information as shown in below screen
  • Warehouse supervisor will verify the pallet and enter counted quantity. Supervisor will click on quantity
  • Enter 45. Click on correct mark. An information message will be displayed (means there is discrepancies in quantity)

  • Supervisor again count and enter same quantity as 45
  • Warehouse supervisor, click on correct mark
Once work is completed. Supervisor log out from mobile app and inform warehouse planner. Warehouse planner go to closed cycle counting work in D365 to check status of work, discrepancies adjusted (if any) and whether journal is posted or not.
Warehouse planner click on work action tab and click on cycle counting button.
As you can see in above screen, counted quantity has been captured in D365 and automatically a journal is posted


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