AX / Dynamics 365 blog on WMS Consolidate item leftovers in the warehouse
Consolidate item leftovers in the warehouse OCTOBER 12, 2016 / 6 COMMENTS Sometimes warehouse workers find themselves in a situation, where they have a small quantity of an item that they want to consolidate with a larger quantity on another location. It could be item samples in a quality area or leftover raw materials in the production area, that needs to be returned to a bulk area – preferably to a location where the item is already located. It could also just be misplaced items in the warehouse that you’d want to move to their correct location. In these situations the worker would need help to move the leftover items to a location where the item is already stored. Using the mobile device to find the existing quantity Fortunately AX has a nice function that will help the worker with just that. Before I get into the details with the setup, I will show you the process first. Note that the example below is from the new Dynamics AX, but the setup and process is the sam...