
Showing posts from May, 2019

AX / Dynamics 365 blog on WMS Consolidate item leftovers in the warehouse

Consolidate item leftovers in the warehouse OCTOBER 12, 2016 / 6 COMMENTS Sometimes warehouse workers find themselves in a situation, where they have a small quantity of an item that they want to consolidate with a larger quantity on another location. It could be item samples in a quality area or leftover raw materials in the production area, that needs to be returned to a bulk area – preferably to a location where the item is already located. It could also just be misplaced items in the warehouse that you’d want to move to their correct location. In these situations the worker would need help to move the leftover items to a location where the item is already stored. Using the mobile device to find the existing quantity Fortunately AX has a nice function that will help the worker with just that. Before I get into the details with the setup, I will show you the process first. Note that the example below is from the new Dynamics AX, but the setup and process is the sam...

Inventory on-hand movements/transfers using the mobile device menus

In this blog post you will be able to read about how to use mobile device menus to record physical movements of inventory on-hand, both within a warehouse as well as between warehouses. The screen shots in this blog post are taken from the new Dynamics AX, but all the content applies to AX2012 R3 as well. Mobile devices menu items Conceptually three different mobile device menu item processes exist: – Movement – Movement by template – Warehouse transfer Below you can read about the difference between the three mobile device menu items. Movement When using the work creation process  Movement  (Use existing work = No), the warehouse worker will need to define what is going to be moved and  from where,  as well as specify  where to put  the inventory on-hand. This process is designed for a manual movement of inventory on-hand between locations and/or license plates within a warehouse, and the movements must be processed immediately by th...

Cycle counting using warehouse management in Dynamics 365, Enterprise

Cycle counting using warehouse management in Dynamics 365, Enterprise Hello consultants! Today, I’ll be blogging about cycle counting process in dynamics 365 or say D365. Cycle counting is a warehouse process, in which warehouse worker do counting of items irrespective of perishable/non-perishable items on basis of location or items. Let’s take a scenario, warehouse planner to have a cycle count for a location say A1R1S01B01 and if there is any discrepancies, system should automatically adjust difference in quantities and post a inventory adjustment journal. Warehouse planner creates manual cycle count work. The warehouse supervisor/worker login using app and select cycle count guided operation and complete cycle count work. The following pre-requisites required for creating and completing cycle counting work: Cycle count thresholds Cycle count work in D365 created based on the threshold parameters. Cycle count work can be created manually or automatically (using batch ...

Cycle Counting in Warehouse Management in Dynamics AX

Cycle counting in  Dynamics AX  is a warehouse process that you can use to audit on-hand inventory items. You can even define workers that will approve or reject cycle counting work before it is posted. Cycle count Thresholds and Cycle Count plans can be used to generate Cycle count work. Workers can also perform spot counts on problematic locations. This does not require work to be created in advance. The Worker simply scans a location and performs the count. A cycle counting threshold indicates the quantity or percentage limit that inventory items must reach in order to generate cycle count work. A cycle counting plan is set up to create cycle counting work immediately or periodically. You can use a query to define Item or Location criteria. In the example on the screen, the items defined as part of this Cycle counting plan will be counted every 30 days but a maximum number of 10 cycle counts can be created at a time. You can also use a batch job to gen...

Dynamics 365 – Say “Hello” to Wave Templates

One of the basic functionalities of Warehouse Management in Dynamics 365 for Finanace and Operations Enterprise Edition remains the  Wave Template  functionality.  Wave Templates are used to manage, automatically or manually, the Shipping Waves, Production Waves or Kanban Waves.  When the Wave is processed, work is created for the operations team(s) to be performed. Wave Templates dictate what happens in the Wave and a business may need many Wave Templates to meet all of the different situations that may be encountered.  For example, A Wave of orders may need to be created because the orders in that wave require special attention or handling.  Another Wave of orders may require expediting because the delivery dates requested require rushed shipping methods such as overnight carriers. As Wave Templates are created, the Names of the Waves should be specific, and the Waves should be ranked from very specific to more generic.  As Waves are created, t...