
Showing posts from April, 2018

Boxing Logic in AX 2012 R3

As I have promised in my last post, I am back with another Blog in AX 2012 R3. There’s been a lot of new features that has been added recently in AX 2012 R3 which was not present in AX 2012 R2. I got an opportunity to work on few newly features in R3 and so planned to share with you all. Today in this topic, let’s discuss about the Boxing Logic feature. Boxing logic is a part of the process of releasing items for picking and grouping items on a picking route. If an item requires packaging, then boxing logic can help determine the smallest box for the items to most efficiently fit into. For example, if you have 10 items to be shipped to the same address, it may be optimal to pack them all together in a medium-sized box, instead of having them shipped separately in 10 small boxes. A box name will be assigned to the picking route, and the picking routes will be split per box. Let’s look into the detailed set up and features to set the Boxing logic in AX 2012. Box Definitions T

Inventory Model Group’s Check Boxes in AX 2012

Hi All, It’s been long time; at last I got some time now to write another blog on AX. Today in this blog, we will discuss one of the most important form in AX, the form that we DAXers come across each and every day. Yes I am taking about the Item Model Group form where there presents few check-boxes. Let us explore some of the important check boxes of this form.  Without wasting much time on the introduction, let us come to the topic. I am not going to the definition of the item model group; hope that all of us know that. Let us now discuss each of the check boxed one by one. I will try to explain each of them in easy words. Below is the screen shot of the Item model Group form:- Let’s start with the left hand side from the top:- Stocked Product If checked then the product will be tracked in the inventory (if that product has the same Item Model Group attached) and if unchecked it will not be tracked in the inventory. More specifically, if Stocked Product check box is ch

Inventory Management - Transfer Journal Vs Transfer Order

Inventory Management - Transfer Journal Vs Transfer Order With the help of the  transfer journal , the Inventory Manager transfers the items from one dimension (warehouse, location, color, etc) to another one instantaneously with short Distance warehouse/site. Sometime it is used to correct the Dimensions (Product/storage/Tracking) of the Product/Item as well within same site/warehouse. The  transfer order  is used for registering in the system the items that must be moved from one warehouse to another (Long distance where shipping required) and for managing this process.  Process Includes: Create Transfer Order Pick Items to Transfer (With or Without Picking list registration) Ship Transfer Order Receive the Items at other end.

Transfer Order vs Transfer Journal Physical & Financial Costs

Transfer Order vs Transfer Journal Physical & Financial Costs I have a scenario which has already been raised with Microsoft, however, perhaps someone else can advise. Two purchase orders, a same serialized product for both and a qty of 2 for each PO. PO 1: Qty 2 @ Unit Cost R 50.00 PO 2: Qty 2 @ Unit Cost R 60.00 Serial numbers are Registered and Product Receipts posted. The stock aging report displays all 4 serial numbers each with the appropriate Physical Cost. Transfer order used to transfer all 4 serial numbers from warehouse M001 to M008, Shipment and Receipt posted. If you run the stock aging report again, the Cost has been averaged and now reflects as R 55.00. If the very same process is followed, however this time using a Transfer Journal, the appropriate Cost Price for each serial number is maintained in the opposite warehouse. Storage dimension group at present is set up to track Physical and Financial stock at Warehouse level. Tracking dimension g